Dog Hero: Donnchadh

Year: 1306

Place: England

The Preditor: Edward I

The Prey: Robert the Bruce

Don’t worry, this is not a history lesson. In 1306, Robert was fighting against Edward who was against Scottish independence. He succeeded in capturing Robert’s wife and faithful Bloodhound Donnchadh (Pronounced: Don – u – cu).

Edward had a brilliant idea. He decided to use Donnchadh to track down his master. He put John of Loren in charge.

He led John and the English soldiers to his master’s hiding spot. They surrounded Robert and ordered his surrender. But Donnchadh wasn’t finished. He promptly turned and attacked the soldiers giving Robert time to escape.

Robert later succeeded in overthrowing Edward and reigning for 20 more years. Interestingly, his direct descendant is George III who fought against thirteen colonies who wanted independence.

Until next time…

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